Cohabiting Couples – Wills Are Essential

One quarter of all couples are cohabiting (not in  a marriage or a civil partnership) according to a recent study by the Office of National Statistics and, coupled with the statistic that only 35% of UK adults have made a Will, is unfortunately creating conflict and financial difficulties upon death of a partner. Who can … Continued

‘My Children’ in a Will – Who is included?

With the summer holidays drawing to a close and children heading back to school, it is perhaps a fitting time to consider who your children, or those in your family, are considered your ‘children’ for the purposes of a Will. It is sensible for all parents to make a Will so that should the worst … Continued

Property Trusts in Wills – The Family Home

A frequent question raised by couples when making a Will is often regarding protecting the family home. This may be in relation to residential care fee planning or ensuring children are not disinherited by subsequent relationships or on second or third marriages. Traditionally, the family home would be left to a surviving spouse but increasingly, … Continued

Too young to write a will?

I’m only 35! Feel like you’re too young to even consider writing a will, or are you over 50 and think you’ve left it too late? Well contrary to popular belief, you’re never too young or too old to write your will and consider how you would like your assets to be divided in the … Continued